LOVE Bouquet Flower Gift Box

Dark purple


The eternal rose Christmas gift is a symbol of eternal true love, appreciation and caring. Preserved rose with necklace is perfect gifts for her like your girlfriend or wife, mom, grandma and your girl on Valentines day, Mother's day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday. Rose is a symbol of everlasting love. Our preserved rose Christmas favor is a handmade soap rose made using a unique protection method. Keep your love fresh forever. For women, forever flower is a very attractive gift. You can express your love, appreciation, respect, blessing, care, friendship and so on.

Preserved roses Christmas gift are different from natural flowers as they stay fresh and do not water, can last longer with proper care, your life could be more brilliant with this preserved rose stands by your side. Also a constant reminder of your romantic love, your harmonious family, your intimate friendship.

This eternal rose Christmas favor can easily warm up the air in the living room, bedroom, study room, etc. It’s like a key that opens a door to a room fills with sincerity, romance and happiness. Our rose box serve as a love gift that will not only leave a lasting impression, but will also add the perfect dose of elegance and beauty to a room.
