I love U Flower Bouquet gift box

Code Color
Pink white
Light purple


The "I LOVE U Artificial Rose Bouquet" is composed of premium artificial roses expertly shaped into: I LOVE U. A realistic looking rose arrangement is the perfect go-to gift for a loved one or a special occasion. This gift would make a great decorative accent for your loves on. It is an Excellent alternative to real flowers for gift recipients with allergies and/or those who don’t have that “green thumb” and want to make the gift last longer. This gift arrives ready to gift and therefore may be sent as a gift directly, include a special message that will be handwritten on our custom stationery gift cards. Just pick your ride color. Environmentally friendly No watering needed. Last Longer & Can Be Used As Decoration Around House or Office. *Arrives ready to gift, just as displayed Love.

Ultimate Gift for HER: Our I LOVE U Box Arrangement of artificial flowers serve as a lovely gift that will not only leave a long lasting impression, but will also add the perfect dose of elegance and beauty to a room. No watering, no need for sunlight. Elegant Display Box: Our luxurious box with a small short message on top makes it gift ready to go. Perfect Valentines Day or Anniversary or Mothers Day Gift.


